miércoles, 19 de julio de 2017

Poems, rhymes and chants

How do we say words? Indeed, English is a non very intuitive language as far as saying words is concerned. Forget spelling and a have a look at the following poem:

Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/12/14/87/121487db49a9fe60920257ca550a2fb8.jpg

Cords are a good tool for arty and crafty works, for example, to make fashionable bracelets. The difficulty of the task can be adapted depending on the level of the students. 1st graders can start with a simple plait, for example. Manipulating cords is also an excellent activity for fine psychomotricity:

Source: http://pulserasdehilo.net/tag/trenzado/

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